The Commoner
The Commoner, founded in 2005 by a dedicated group of Nebraska journalists and activists, swiftly established itself as an essential voice within the Lincoln community. Originally created to address a gap in local journalism, it focuses on issues that resonate with residents, such as politics, education, and social justice, while delivering in-depth reporting and insightful commentary that often brings to light underrepresented perspectives. The newspaper has earned a reputation for its integrity and commitment to local issues, advocating for transparency and accountability in governance. You can explore the rich history of The Commoner on, where you'll find scans of Lincoln's newspaper from 1901, including 25,646 scans in total. Delve into the past and uncover stories about historical figures, local events, and perhaps even connections to your own family history. Join the movement to appreciate and preserve the significance of grassroots journalism by searching for old newspapers on today.