Search Harvard Independent
Harvard, Illinois, United States
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Harvard Independent
The Harvard Independent, founded in 1879 by a group of forward-thinking local journalists, has long stood as a cornerstone of community journalism in Harvard, Illinois. Over the years, it has evolved to feature a mix of local news, human interest stories, and opinion pieces that reflect the diverse voices and concerns of the community. Renowned for its commitment to accuracy and integrity, the newspaper has earned respect as a reliable information source, winning several awards for journalistic excellence. On, you can explore historic scans of the Harvard Independent, starting 1867, with a total of 2,890 scans available. This platform not only highlights the impactful journalism of the past but also encourages you to discover historical figures and events, possibly connecting them to your own family history. Dive into these archives to gain insight into the local narratives that have shaped Harvard and its community.
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