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Stories from the past will come to life as you search for people and events in local and national newspapers including The London Gazette, The Economist, The Herald (Melbourne), and many more titles

About is the best website for exploring historical newspapers from around the world. It is brought to you by MyHeritage, the leading global platform for discovering, preserving, and sharing family history. Discover the stories behind the headlines in a treasure trove of newspapers, and gain insight into your ancestors' personal journeys against the backdrop of history's defining moments. Learn about the people and events that shaped our lives today across millions of historical newspaper pages. More content is added to every month.

thousands of titles

Local and national publications

Stories from the past will come to life as you search a wide range of titles, from small-town journals featuring your grandparents to national newspapers covering world events.

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Global newspaper repository

Explore newspapers from around the world to revisit the defining moments of the last 200 years and paint a picture of day-to-day life.

About is the best website for exploring historical newspapers from around the world. It is brought to you by MyHeritage, the leading global platform for discovering, preserving, and sharing family history. Discover the stories behind the headlines in a treasure trove of newspapers, and gain insight into your ancestors' personal journeys against the backdrop of history's defining moments. Learn about the people and events that shaped our lives today across millions of historical newspaper pages. More content is added to every month.